Salik Ahmed, Sanam Khowaja, Rajesh Kumar, Khalid Iqbal Bhatti, Ghulam Shabbir Shar, Aijaz Ali, Mahesh Kumar Batra, Jawaid Akbar Sial, Tahir Saghir.
Knowledge, attitude and practice of recommended physical activity among health care physicians of Pakistan: a cross-sectional study.
Pak Heart J Jun ;55(3):224-30.

Objectives: Active lifestyle is mandatory for prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. The present study was aimed to identify the physical activity of doctors as well as their knowledge and attitude toward the American College of Cardiology (ACC) recommended physical activity. Methodology: For this survey, an online questionnaire was shared with doctors of various specialties working in private and public healthcare hospitals of Pakistan. Opinion was recorded regarding importance of physical activity (5-point scale), perceived physical activity level (4-point scale), knowledge regarding ACC recommended physical activity level, lifestyle, and barriers in following recommended physical activity level. Results: A total of 159 doctors participated in the survey, of which 97 (61%) were cardiologists. Most participants (72.3%) were males and mean age was 32.12±4.33 years. Nearly two-thirds (61.6%) of the participants were free of any pre-existing co-morbid condition. Most common atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk factor was positive family history (26.4%). A total of 74.8% (119) of the participants claimed to know about ACC recommended physical activity level. According to the lifestyle activities, only 26.4% (42) of the participants were found to follow the ACC recommendations. Lack of time from daily routine (71.7%) was found to be most commonly stated reason for physical inactiveness. Conclusion: Knowledge and adherence to the ACC recommended physical actively level is poor among both cardiologists and non-cardiologists. More than half of health care physician were overweight and obese. Lake of time, resources and overstressed work life of doctors are the key barriers in following recommended physical activity level.

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