Usman Rashid, Rashid Nawaz, Zile Fatima, Shaifa Ashraf.
Combined severe aortic and pulmonary valvular stenosis in a child and its management: a case report.
Pak Heart J Jun ;54(4):377-9.

Combined congenital aortic and pulmonary valvular stenosis is a rare congenital heart defect. Prevalence of severe combined valvular stenosis of aortic and pulmonary valve accounts about 0.01% and also has association with many syndromes.  This combination presents unusual diagnostic as well as management problems. Apart from a few case reports, there is little in the literature on the combined stenosis of both semilunar valves and its management. We present this rare combination in a 9 year old boy which was promptly managed with the balloon valvoplasty without any complications in the same setting under local anesthesia with sedation.

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