Muhammad Saeed Anwar, Shamim Raza Bokhari, Shahid Raza Bokhari.
Prevalence of Anti-HCV Antibodies in Patients with Suspected Liver Disease.
Biomedica Jun ;15:80-4.

Hepatic C virus infection is a common public health problem world over. The present study was performed to assess the prevalence of anti hepatitis C virus antibodies (anti-HCV) in our population. It comprised of 346 subjects (both males and females). All of these individuals were anicteric and were referred for assessment of liver functions and anti-HCV test for suspected liver disease. Serum bilirubin and serum ALT were analysed by kits manufactured by Merck Company. AntiHCV test was performed by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) or immunotiltration technique. Sera positive by immunofiltration technique were confirmed by EIA method. Out of 346 subjects, 20 (5.78%) were positive for anti-HCV. Alt of the anti-HCV positive subjects showed elevation of serum ALT (>35 U/L) while bilirubin was elevated (> 1.0 mg/dl) in 65% subjects. Unexplained fatigue was the most common complaint (85%) in anti-HCV positive subjects, followed by anorexia (50%) and epigastric discomfort (45%). It is concluded that HCV infection is a significant problem in our population. Anti-HCV test should be performed in all the subjects who have unexplained fatigue / anorexia / epigastric discomfort alongwith elevated serum ALT levels.

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