Rana Qamar, Iftekhar Ahmed, Syed Rashid Masoom, Abdul Sattar, Khalid Imran, Muhammad Aurangzeb, Muhammad Masroor, Masood Hameed Khan.
Evaluate the sensitivity pattern of Enteric Fever in Karachi.
Med Channel Jun ;10(2):13-6.

OBJECTIVE: To find out the antibiotic sensitivity of cases of enteric fever in our community so as to develop local recommendations. SETTING: This is descriptive study which was conducted in medical OPD and all medical wards of Civil Hospital Karachi carried out on 100 blood culture positive patients. In this study we have chosen 100 blood culture positive patients as the confirmed typhoid fever cases as because of reason that some patients with typhoid fever will be blood culture negative as antibiotic pretreatment is common in our setup. Patients who have received with complications of enteric fever and age < 12 years were not included in this study. RESULTS: Among 100 blood culture positive for salmonella strains 82% were salmonella typhi while 18% were salmonella paratyphi A while no one positive for salmonella paratyphi B and C. In this study, sensitivity patterns for following antibiotics ampicillin, amoxicillin, cotrimoxazole, chloramphenicol, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin have been tested. The antibiotic sensitivity showed 52% resistance to ampicillin, 54% resistance to amoxicillin, 64% resistance to co-trimoxazole and 47% resistance to chloramphenicol. For third generation cephalosporins group ceftriaxone and ceftazidime showed 8% and 10% resistance respectively. Quinolones group found to be most sensitive in this study. The sensitivity pattern for quinolones group revealed 4% resistance to ofloxacin and 1% resistance to ciprofloxacin. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion we believe that typhoid fever due to multiresistant salmonella is becoming a threatening problem in Pakistan.

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