Hakim Abro, Aftab Shah, Wazir Muhammad Shaikh, Ghulam Akber Solangi, Abrar Shaikh.
Ultrasonographic findings in Abdominal Tuberculosis.
Med Channel Jun ;10(2):32-4.

Ultrasonographic findings were seen in 50 patient of abdominal tuberculosis, diagnosed on different investigations. It showed lymphadenopathy in 34(68%), Ascites in 31(62%), thickened bowel loop in 20(40%), adherent omentum in 8(16), splenomegaly in 7(14%), hepatomegaly in 2(4%) and mass in right iliac fossa in 4(8%). Although ultrasound is nonspecific for diagnosis of tuberculosis, it is valuable, and cheep investigation, when done with proper history and examination.

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