Fazal Ghani.
Considerations when Retaining Removable Partial Dentures by Clasps.
J Pak Dent Assoc Jun ;10(2):91-100.

The aim of this paper is to highlight the considerations to be kept in mind when fabricating clasp with its retentive force corresponding to the health of the abutment. Suggestions have been made for the refinement of existing methods for the assessment of flexibility and permanent deformation in clasp. The effect of direction and location of force, bending, torque, fatigue, accuracy of fit and porosity as some factors determining the ultimate behaviour of clasp in function have been explained. It is pointed out to standardize clasp patterns and wrought wires, as this will ensure a consistent and predictable behaviour of clasps made from these. Both clinicians and technicians are warned of the hazards of not maintaining and preserving the original dimensions of the clasp patterns and wires when manipulating these. They are also made aware, of the effect, of the changes, which occur in these during casting and finishing procedures in practice. During the use of a denture, clasps are subjected to cyclic deforming forces, which may exceed their elastic limit. Therefore, frequent recall visits at least 6 months apart should be made a routine for patients wearing RPDs. Recommended and reliable methods for adjustment in clasps and their accurate repositioning when replacing them in RPDs have been explained.

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