Fahim Vohra, Imtiaz Ahmed, Masood Zakai, Aqeel Shaikh.
An evaluation of etiologic factors for root canal therapy.
J Pak Dent Assoc Jun ;14(3):154-7.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the etiological factors for root canal therapy in 400 patients visiting the out patient department (OPD) of Karachi Medical and Dental College. MATERIAL AND METHOD: It was an analytical, descriptive and cross sectional study. Information about the etiologic factors of root canal therapy was collected from around 400 patients at the dental out patient department Karachi Medical and Dental College through specially designed forms by trained investigators posted in the department. RESULT: The results showed that irreversible pulpitis (3 8%) as being the predominant cause for root canal therapy followed by necrotic pulp (33.5%), trauma (16%) and failed RCT (8%). Reasons for root canal failure comprised of short obturation (71_8%), over-obturation (15.6%) and others ( 12.5%) the most commonly exposed teeth were mandibuIar first molars (32%%). CONCLUSION: Irreversible pulpitis was the most common cause for initial root canal treatment, while short obturation was found to be the predominant reason for failed root canal treatment.

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