Sadaf Bashir, Aslam M.
Fanconi`s anemia.
Proceeding Shaikh Zayed Postgrad Med Inst Jun ;15(2):101-2.

An 8 years old girl presented with progressive pallor for 6 years. There was also history of bruises over body and fever off and on. She was born of consanguinous marriage and had normal birth and developmental history. On examination she was short statured with a height of 112 cm (< 5th centile), thin built (weight=18 kg; < 5th centile). She had marked pallor and was also microcephalic. She had circumoral hyperpigmentation and dysmorphic thumbs of both hands. Her vital signs were normal and systemic examination was unremarkable. Initial investigations showed Haemoglobin 5.3 g/dl, TLC 1.6x10e9/l polymorphs 40% and lymphocytes 60%, platelets 56x10e9/l. Peripheral smear showed a mixed population of cells. BUN, serum creatinine, serum bilirubin, ALT, AST and alkaline phosphate were normal. Bone marrow trephine biopsy was done and it showed hypocellular marrow. Urine complete examination was normal. Urine culture and blood culture showed no growth. During stay in the hospital she was given whole blood transfusion, broad spectrum antibiotics (Inj. Cefotaxime 100mg/kg/day I/V), oral prednisolone 5mg on alternate days. Androgens in the form of injection Nandrolone (Decadurabolin) 1mg/kg/week I/M were also started. Her symptoms and peripheral blood picture improved with this treatment and she was discharged on steroids and androgens.

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