Shahid Jamal, Nadira Mamoon, Sajid Mushtaq, Muhammad Luqman.
Pattern of central nervous system (CNS) tumors: a study of 430 cases.
Pak J Pathol Jun ;16(4):106-9.

Objective: To determine the pattern of central nervous (CNS) malignant tumors in northern Pakistan. Design: A descriptive study. Place and Duration of study: January 1992 to December 2001 at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Materials and Methods: All histologically diagnosed malignant tumours of CNS registered with tumour registry were retrieved from the case files. Basic epidemiological data regarding each case was collected from the request forms. The data was then analysed for the site of involvement, age distribution and histological types of tumours. Results: During the study period a total of 430 patients were registered with CNS tumours, constituting 2.03% of all malignant tumours diagnosed during this period. Males were more frequently affected than females (M:F ratio 2.3:1). Cases were seen in all age groups but the peak incidence was in 30-40 years age group. Sixty three (14.65%) cases in paediatric age group were also found. Of the known sites, cerebrum (frontal lobe) was involved in majority (45.35%) of cases, whereas 30 cases in cerebellum and 24 in spinal cord were found. Astrocytoma and Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) comprised the main bulk of tumours. Conclusion: CNS tumours are about 2% of all tumours as reported in most of the studies. Peak incidence and bimodal peak are in slightly younger age group and frontal lobe is more frequently affected. Histological and other pattern is predictable.

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