Abdolazim Ghalambor, Mohammad H Pipelzadeh.
A non-aggressive forehead/brow lift with contour threads: A case report and its application in Iran.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;22(3):320-2.

There are several advantages with use of contour threads in the face lifting technique These include no need for incision, so there is no scar lines, there is no damage to facial nerve, use of local anaesthesia is sufficient to produce analgesia, therefore it makes the procedure a very safe operation for elderly, diabetic and cardiopulmonary patients, and do not cause hair loss. In addition, the patients are awake and can chose the desired extent of final face lifting. We present the technique of use of contour threads and the outcome of a case of forehead/brow lifting in a 42 years old insulin-dependent diabetic single man who suffered from sagged eyebrows and many wrinkles on the lateral canthos of the eye. He did not have any cardiopulmonary or vascular disorders.

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