Akhtar Hussain Bokhari.
Lifestyle Impact on Oral Health.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;22(3):336-7.

Oral Health problems are not life threatening and in terms of quality of well being; oral health is less weighted when it comes to identify symptoms which compromise healthy life. Oral & Dental diseases however, are also defined in terms of impairment, disability and handicapping. World Health Organization accepts impairment as a loss of or abnormality of mental, physical and biochemical function either present at birth or arising out of disease or injury such as edentulousness, periodontal loss or malocclusion etc in dentistry. Likewise Disability is any limitation in or lack of ability to carry out socially defined tasks and roles that individuals are generally expected to be able to do. A handicap is a broader term that explains a permanent disability from functioning and dependency.

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