Nazli Hossain, Nargis Soomro, Naseem Rasheed.
Practice of Peritoneal Closure at Cesarean Delivery.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;17(2):87-9.

Objective: To determine whether non-closure of visceral and parietal peritoneum at lower segment caesarean section has advantages over closure in terms of febrile morbidity endometritis, analgesic requirements, operative time and bowel activity. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Unit-II, Dow Medical College and Civil Hospital, Karachi. Design: A prospective randomized trial of 100 women undergoing caesarean section, fifty women were randomized to norclosure group and fifty women were randomized to closure group. Results: The incidence of febrile morbidity and analgesic requirement was greater in closure group. Operative time was also greater in-patients of closure group. Conclusions: Closure of peritoneum at lower segment caesarean section doesn`t offer any additional advantage, rather is associated with more complications. Closure of the peritoneum should be abandoned at caesarean section.

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