Dilshad Ahmed Khan, Mahwish Majid Bhatti, Farooq Ahmad Khan, Theer Naqvi S Tatheer.
Evaluation of pesticides induced toxicity by oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jul ;58(4):380-6.

Objective: To evaluate pesticides induced toxicity by oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers among tobacco farmers in district Sawabi of Pakistan. Study Design: Cross sectional descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in district Sawabi, NWFP, Pakistan from Jan 2006 to March 2008. Material and Methods: Total of 109 adult male consisting of 55 tobacco farmers and 54 unexposed subjects were included from district Sawabi, NWFP, Pakistan. Plasma Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT) were measured on Vita Lab Selectra E. Plasma Malondialdyhyde (MDA) and Nitric oxides (NO) were estimated by formation of thiobarbituric acid and the Griess reaction respectively. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) was assayed on Immulite-1000. Results: The tobacco farmers age ranged from 16-72 years. Plasma BChE mean (SD) levels were significantly decreased to 5596 (929) as compared to 6821 (1365) U/L in the pesticides exposed farmers (P<0.001). Oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in the pesticides exposed farmers were significantly raised as compared to control which are given as mean (SD) (a) GGT 24(6) vs 17(4) U/L (b) Nitrate 34.27(19.71) vs 21.35 (11.57) umol/L (c) CRP 1.44 (0.860) vs 0.911(0.538) mg/L and MDA 4.71 (2.01) vs 3.27 (0.94) nmol/ng (P<0.001) respectively. The plasma BChE levels showed a significant inverse correlation with plasma MDA (r=-0.39), nitrate (r=-0.44) and CRP(r=-0.40). Conclusion: Apart from plasma BChE inhibition, pesticide exposure enhanced oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in the tobacco farmers. Plasma BChE has inverse correlation with lipid peroxidation, nitrate production and inflammatory biomarkers which might be used for monitoring of pesticides induced risks in occupational workers.

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