Nasim Karim.
Copper and Human Health- a Review.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jul ;8(2):117-22.

Copper (Cu), is an essential trace element. Along with lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium etc. it is classified as a member of heavy metal group. Deficiency of copper is involved in the etiology and promotion of many disease processes related to gastrointestinal and neurological systems as well as affect functions of heart, blood vessel, pancreas etc. Deficiency of copper in early part of gestation can produce major organ malformations in the developing fetus and this in turn if persistently present can lead to neurological as well as immunological abnormalities in the newborn. Conversely presence of enormous concentrations of copper is also a great danger for the human health. Acute copper toxicity predisposes to various pathological conditions and can cause death in severe cases. Chronic exposure to copper produces anemia, liver toxicity and severe neurological defects. Key words: Copper, Essential trace element, Heavy metal, Deficiency, Health hazards

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