Imran Khan, Hadia Mannan Mian, Mohammad Mahmoud Saleh.
An audit of Knowledge and care of ventilator associated Pneumonia in Intensive care setup.
Pak J Chest Med Jul ;25(3):106-9.

Background: Ventilator associated pneumonia is an important intensive and long term care related issue. It is equally important that the staff working with ventilated patients be aware of the recommended practices to prevent and treat ventilator associated pneumonia. Methodology: This Cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at Al Mana General hospital, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from1st October 2018 to 31st December 2018. All the doctors, respiratory therapists and nurses working in the intensive care setups and long term care setup were included in the study. A preformed questionnaire was given before and after and educational activity and the knowledge level of the all participants recorded. Data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 23.0. Armonk,NY: IBM Corp. Results: A total of 50 participants were included in the study. There were 10 (20%) respiratory therapists, 15 (30%) doctors and 25 (50%) nurses. The mean percent score of all the participants before the activity was 36.7+-12.84% and after the activity 73.6+-10.6% (p=0.005). The mean score on the knowledge part of the questionnaire was 25.5 +- 13.5% before the educational activity and 74.8 +- 9.3%after the activity (p=0.002). Mean score of knowledge of VAP was (26.7 +- 13.07% and 76.5 +- 10% (p=0.003)) before and after the educational activity. Conclusion: Frequent educational activities and teaching is important to keep the staff updated about the knowledge and practice of ventilator associated pneumonia.

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