Mushyyada Durrani, Ismail Alam Khan, Aziza Alam, Zainab Akbar, Khaula Gul, Mehwish Durrani.
Scoping review of the impacts of covid-19 on assessment format in medical and dental institutes.
J Med Sci Jul ;30(1):47-52.

OBJECTIVE: Technology enhanced assessment or e-assessment is an emerging approach across the globe and is adapted by almost all medical and dental institutes. The objective of this study is to report on effects of COVID-19 on assessment format of medical institutes. This review seeks to find which methods are being used for a changed assessment format and who is being affected by sudden change in assessment format and what facilitators and/or barriers have been reported related to the success and/or failure of changed assessment format. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This scoping review followed the methodology outlined by Arksey and O`Malley framework (2005).Data sources including PubMed, Eric, Medline, Semantic scholar and Google scholar were searched for last 5 years of articles from 20016 to 2021 related to e-assessment in medical education. RESULTS: In total, 9 articles met our inclusion criteria. Open book exam was considered to be a new normal keeping in mind its strengths and advantages in an online format. Digital literacy plays an important role in the acceptance of technology enhanced assessment. Faculty need training to opt for this sudden change in teaching and assessment format. Connectivity issues need to be taken care of, as the whole format depends upon it. CONCLUSION: e-assessment was well accepted by most of the students. Future studies should target students inconvenience for online assessment. Also lack of e-learning experience of some staff need attention. Insufficiency of IT technicians should be overcome. High speed internet is the requirement of the day. New soft wares can be developed for a more reliable and valid assessment method

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