Asif Hussain, Jawaria Avais, Wardah Nasir.
Summary of 2019 EULAR Guidelines for Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
J Pak Society Int Med Jul ;2(1):10-4.

SLE is a common rheumatological disease with variable presentations and life-threatening organ involvement, associated with comorbidities and mortality. Many diseases can mimic clinical picture of lupus and treatment strategies are based on many factors including age, pregnancy, comorbidities, toxicities of the drugs and other factor. A clear step wise approach regarding various organ specific issues is helpful. EULAR guidelines are very useful for initiating, stepping up or stepping down the treatment for such cases. This review summarizes the recently updated 2019 EULAR Guidelines for lupus patients with an aim to help manage the lupus more efficiently for better disease control and prevent complications.

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