Malik Muhammad Adil, Ali Yawar Alam.
Temperature regulation and standardization practices of Clinical laboratories in Karachi.
J Pak Med Assoc Jul ;55(2):88-90.

Objective: To examine the temperature regulation and standardization practices of clinical laboratories in Karachi. Method: Forty five clinical laboratories in Karachi were examined for observing the standard protocols for running a lab with particular reference to temperature regulation. A questionnaire to the effect was filled. Results: Among the 45 labs included, the mean complete blood count performed per day was 52 ± 47. Only 5 (11 %) labs had a temperature reader. Thirty (66.7%) labs had an air-conditioner installed, of which only 24 were found in working condition. Maintenance of instruments was carried out every 67.5±.30.6 days. The mean number of haemolyzed samples was 2.3 ± 1.7. Control was available in 24(53.3%) labs, which was used daily in only 10 labs. Quantity of blood was the same in all the tubes in only 33(73.3%) labs. Conclusion: Commercial laboratories should be properly registered and their quality standardized (JPMA 55:88;2005).

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