Nazli Hossain, Tahir Shamsi, Nargis Soomro.
Frequency of Thrombophilia in patients with adverse pregnancy outcome.
J Pak Med Assoc Jul ;55(6):245-7.

Objective: To determine the association between adverse pregnancy outcomes and thrombophilia. Methods: This is a descriptive study, incorporating retrospective analysis of patients with recurrent pregnancy losses, intrauterine deaths, abruptio placenta and early onset pre eclampsia. Patients with adverse pregnancy outcomes in whom co-morbid factors were excluded underwent screening for both acquired and inherited thrombophilia. Results: A total of 40 patients were screened for acquired and inherited thrombophilia with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Anticardiolipin antibodies were found positive in 55% of patients and 45% of patients were found deficient for natural anticoagulants protein C and S. Two patients were found positive for both acquired and inherited thrombophilia. Conclusion: Thrombophilia, both acquired and inherited are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Patients in whom other co-morbid factors are excluded, should be offered screening for thrombophilia. Liaison between hematologist and obstetrician is the corner stone for success (JPMA 55:245;2005).

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