Mohammad Siddique, Faisal Rashid, Hina Khan, Mahmood Saeed.
Comparison of Visual Outcome with single Suture Vs Sutureless Clear Corneal Phacoemulsification by using 5.5 PMMA IOL`s.
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;12(2):117-20.

Purpose: To compare the postoperative visual acuity, postoperative astigmatism, peroperative and postoperative complications in single suture versus sutureless clear corneal phacoemulsification using 5.5 PMMA intraocular lenses. Study Design: Quasi experimental Participants and Methods: This study was conducted in Ophthalmology Department Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan from January 2011 to February 2012. Total of 170 patients from 40 to 90 years were enrolled and divided in two groups, group A (N=85) and group B (N=85). Both the groups underwent clear corneal phacoemulsification by superior approach. Group A was left sutureless and in group B one single suture of nylon 10/0 was applied. The patients were followed up at 1st and 3rd post operative days and then 2nd, 4th and 6th postoperative weeks. On 4th postoperative week the suture of all the patients of group B was removed. 80 patients in group A and 76 patients in group B completed their 6 weeks follow up. The post-operative visual acuity, post- operative astigmatism, peroperative and post-operative complications were recorded at 6 weeks follow up and compared between two groups. Results: At 6th week post operatively, 40 out of 80 (50%) cases of group A and 55 out of 76 (72.36%) of group B had uncorrected visual acuity of 6/18 or better. There was significant difference between two groups (p-value 0.01) while 69 out of 80 (86.25%) of group A and 72 out of 76 (94.73%) of group B had best corrected visual acuity of 6/18 or better. There was no significant difference in best corrected visual acuity (p-value 0.17). 15 patients out of 76 (19.73%) in group B while 35 patients out of 80 (43.75%) in group A had astigmatism 1.25D to 1.50D (p-value 0.001). against the rule astigmatism was present in 72.5% of patients in group and 36.84% of the patients in group B (p-value 0.0001). There was not much difference in intra operative complications however post operative complications were less in sutured group. Conclusion: Both the techniques of phacoemulsification are safe for cataract surgery. The difference in intra-operative complications is very small. However the uncorrected post operative visual acuity, post operative complications and post operative astigmatism is less and safe if single suture is applied in clear corneal superior tunnel phacoemulsification.

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