Sana Rafaqat, Mohsin Nawaz, Irum Masood.
Prevalence of Ocular Tuberculosis amongst patients Suffering from Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Gulab Devi Hospital Lahore.
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;16(3):781-4.

Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of presumed ocular tuberculosis among diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Method: It was a cross-sectional study in which 150 patients who were labeled to have active pulmonary tuberculosis underwent history and ocular examination prior to anti-tubercular therapy. The diagnosis of presumed ocular tuberculosis was made when clinical signs of tuberculosis (TB) uveitis were found in the participants. Lesions were documented and tallied, after which statistical analysis was performed. Results: 10 of the 150 pulmonary TB patients (6.8% prevalence: 95% CI 2.78% to 13.5%) included in the study showed signs of ocular inflammation. There was no sex and age predilection between those with presumed ocular TB and those without. Posterior uveitis alone was observed in three of the patients (two cases of retinal vasculitis and one case of choroidal tubercle). Non-granulomatous anterior uveitis with posterior synechiae alone was observed in two patients. One patient had combined non-granulomatous anterior uveitis with posterior synechiae and choroidal tubercle. One had combined granulomatous anterior uveitis with posterior synechiae and choroidal tubercle. Intermediate uveitis was not noted among the patients. Conclusion: Presumed ocular tuberculosis should be considered among patients with diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis. Common ocular lesions found in the study include choroidal tubercle and non-granulomatous anterior uveitis with posterior synechiae.

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