Muhammad Ishaq Khattak, Allaudin Khan, Tehniyat Ishaq Khattak.
Frequency of Urinary Tract Infection in Diabetes Mellitus.
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;16(1):566-9.

Objectives: To determine the frequency of urinary tract infection in patients with diabetes mellitus. Study design: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Place and duration of the study This study was conducted in Medical Out Patient Department (OPD) and Pathology Department Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH) Peshawar from 01 November 2016 to 20th July 2017. . Subjects and Methods: After approval of ethical committee a total of 255 patients of Diabetes mellitus were included in this study, among which 94 were asymptomatic and 161 were symptomatic for UTI. All included patient were adults of more than 15 years both males and females. They were selected from medical OPD KTH Peshawar. Data was collected through structured proforma. Urine was sent for routine examination and culture/sensitivity to Pathology Laboratory of KTH Peshawar. Frequency of asymptomatic bacteriuria and symptomatic UTI was determined according to criteria. Results: A total of 255 patients with DM fulfilling inclusion criteria among which 94 were asymptomatic and 161 were symptomatic for UTI were included in this study. The frequency of symptomatic UTI was 82, (50.93%) among 161 symptomatic patients. The frequency of symptomatic UTI was also higher in female patients. Conclusion: UTI is a common health burden in patients with DM. Both ASB and symptomatic UTI are more prevalent in patients with DM. Patients with diabetes mellitus should not be treated for urinary tract infection only on the basis of Leucocytouria and urine culture should be advised.

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