Mugheera Nafey, Amir Iqbal, Hajira Khan.
Knowledge, Attitude, Practices of using Spectacles in Adult Population of KPK.
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;16(1):487-9.

Objective: Spectacles are most frequently used option for correcting refractive error. It is less costly and one of the easy method that can be used on daily basis.To study the ratio of spectacle user in KPK and to know of awareness level of people about spectacles. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted on it. Sample of 185 people was collected through non probability convenient based sampling method. Results: The result shows that 70 patients of age 21-30 are not using spectacle. which is highest frequency among all. In between 31-40 are using plastic material which is the highest amount among all. . Out of 185 people mostly 58% do not know about alternate options of spectacle. 42% people do not know about cleaning and proper use of spectacles. Conclusion: Most of the people did not know about spectacle material, design and proper alternative. Knowledge attitude and practices of people of KPK about spectacles is very poor.

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