Kh Faiz-ur Rab, Tarique Saleem, Mazhar Ali, Masood Hussain Rao, Shehla Dareshani, Maheen Akhter.
Prevalence of Myopia and its Associated Factors amongst Medical Students of Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi (A Cross Sectional Study).
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;15(4):390-5.

Back ground: East Asia has the highest prevalence of myopia in students, It is a significant public health problem and its prevalence is increasing over the time. It is estimated that by 2020, 2.5 billion or 1/3rd of the world population will be affected by myopia. Objective: To determine the prevalence of myopia and its associated factors among medical students. Methodology: A cross sectional survey was conducted through non probability consecutive sampling technique with permission from the Principal and a verbal consent of each student. A pre tested and validated questionnaire having two parts, socio demographic and possible associated factors developing the myopia was used. The data analyzed through SPSS version 21. For continuous variables i.e. age, mean and standard deviation were computed and for categorical variables, frequencies and percentages were calculated. To determine any association between the two categorical variables, Chi-Square test was applied and P value at 0.05 was fixed for any statistical significant association. Results: The prevalence of myopia was found in 51.4% of participated medical students. Age, gender and parental/siblings were significant associated factors of the myopia. However other factors like use of computer, mobile phone, study in late night and other factors did not get any association in development of myopia. Conclusion: Myopia is very high as more than 50% students are suffering with it in medical college. The associated factors i.e. age, gender and parental/siblings were found significant for which awareness should be developed to control the myopia.

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