Kh Faiz-ur Rab, Shehla Dareshani, Masood Hussain Rao, Tarique Saleem, Mariam Jabir.
Refractive Errors, Eye Disorders & Associated Risk Factors Amongst Medical Students.
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;15(4):384-9.

Back ground:Refractive error is a condition in which parallel rays of light from infinity do not focus on the retina at the resting state of accommodation. Its prevalence is increasing dramatically in the group of people who are getting education at higher level. It is developed by hereditary as well as other factors like environmental life style etc. Objective:To determine the prevalence of refractive error,other eyedisorders, and its associated risk factors amongst the medical students. Methodology: A cross sectional survey was conducted through non probability consecutive sampling technique with permission from the Principal and a verbal consent of each student. A pre tested and validated questionnaire having socio demographic,the prevalence of refractive errors, eye disorders, and its associated risk factors were used and the data analyses through SPSS version 21 was recorded. For continuous variables i.e. age, mean and standard deviation were computed and for categorical variables, frequencies and percentages were calculated. To determine any association between the two categorical variables, Chi-Square test was applied and P value at 0.05 was fixed for any statistical significant association. Result: Frequency of refractive error was found in 257 students (68.2%). Out of total 377 students, the parents / siblings of 72.1% were also having reflective error.Majority of the students (197 i.e. 52.3%) suffering with the myopia followed by hypermetropia (36 i.e.9.5%) and astigmatism (20 i.e. 5.3%). Four students were also suffering with colour blindness. Factors found statistical significance to develop the refractive error were age, gender, parental/siblings having refractive error and reading while lying down. Conclusion: Refractive error was found at its peak in medical students. The factors causing the refractive error were age, gender, parental/siblings having refractive errors and reading while lying down. The other factors like use of computer, mobileetc etc., were found insignificant to develop refractive error.

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