Jawad Khan, Muhammad Daud, Waheed Ullah, Noor-ul Amin, Fakhr-e Alam.
Awareness & Frequency of Hepatitis B Vaccination in High-Risk Health Care Workers at Swabi District, KPK.
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;15(3):323-5.

Objectives: to assess awareness of high risk health care workers about being at risk of contracting Hepatitis B and importance of vaccination for them and to determine the effectiveness of hepatitis B vaccination amongst them Methodology: a multicenter cross sectional study was done at different hospitals of Swabi like DHQ, RHC and BHU and THQ from January 2016 to January 2017. 140 patients were selected and sampling done. Anti HBs were checked to assess the efficacy of vaccination. Questioner was administered to record the frequency of vaccination, immunity and there awareness of risk associated with Hepatitis B and protective role of vaccination. Results, of 140 patients, 95 patients were aware of being at high risk for acquiring HBV infection and the role of vaccination against HBV. Only 70 patients have done vaccination against HBV, 65 patients had anti HBS titer above protection level while 5 patients has undetectable level of titers. Conclusion: A significant proportion of patient lack awareness of vaccination or immunization against hepatitis B.

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