Muhammad Qasim Khan, Rifayat Ullah Afridi, Aneela Ambreen, Shadman, Abdul Khaliq.
Predisposing Factors of Urinary Tract Infection in Children.
Ophthalmol Update Jun ;14(2):100-3.

Objective: This study was designed to determine the frequency of predisposing factors of urinary tract infection in children according to age and gender. Study design: case series. Place & Duration of Study: This study was performed in Pediatric department of Naseer Teaching Hospital Kabeer Medical College Peshawar, from august 2011 to April 2013. Methodology: We evaluate 60 confirm cases of UTI from OPD and admitted patients from neonatal age to 10 years of age. These patients were thoroughly clinically evaluated and investigated for underlying any predisposing factors. X-ray KUB, abdominal ultrasonography, MCUG and IVU were performed in these patients for diagnosis of any underlying risk factor of UTI. Results: In total of 60 cases of UTI 23 cases (38.3%) were male and 37 cases (61.3%) were female. Most of patients were between age of 1 to 3 year (55%).Vesicoureteric reflux was the most common predisposing factor in both genders (30%). Urolithiasis was present in 12(20%) of cases and congenital urinary tract anomalies were present in 10(16.7%) cases.UTI was found more common in male in group of less than 1 yr age, while in female it was more in other age groups above 1 yr. Conclusion: We conclude from our study that vesico ureteric reflux is the most common predisposing factor of UTI in both gender in all age groups. Urolithiasis and congenital anomalies of urinary tract have significant association in developing UTI. We suggest to do Micturating Cystourethrogram (MCUG) in all patients with UTI in which other risk factors are not clear for diagnosis of vesico-ureteric-reflux.

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